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联邦 Family Educational Rights and 隐私 Act 1974年(FERPA), 修订的, is a federal law that is administered by the Family Policy Compliance Office in 美国.S. 教育部.

FERPA sets forth requirements regarding the privacy of student education records.

Further information regarding FERPA can be found at US 教育部 Website .

FERPA rights belong to the student, regardless of age. 符合条件的学生包括目前在ladbrokes立博中文版就读的学生或以前在BSU就读的学生. FERPA不适用于已被录取但尚未入学的申请人, nor does it apply to deceased students.

Eligible students have the right, in general, to:

  • Inspect and review their records
  • Seek amendment of their records
  • Control the disclosure of personally identifiable information from their records

“教育笔录”是指由教育机构或者代理人保存的与学生有直接关系的笔录. It includes any information recorded in any way, 包括, 但不限于, 笔迹, 打印, 计算机媒体, video or audio tape file, 电影, micro电影 and microfiche. Education records are those records that are:

  • Directly related to a student (contains personally identifiable information about the student); and
  • 由教育机构或机构维护的或由代表该机构或机构的一方维护的

Examples include transcripts; exams; papers; financial aid and account records; disability accommodation records; disciplinary records; photographs; faculty/staff email messages to, 来自或关于学生的.

The following are not considered "education records":

  • Information that is not recorded – that is, personal knowledge
  • Sole possession records (kept in the sole possession of the maker, used as a memory aid and not accessible or revealed to any other person)
  • 执法记录
  • Certain employment records
  • 治疗记录
  • 校友记录
  • 同行评分论文
在FERPA, 学校必须在收到申请后的45天内为符合条件的学生提供检查和审查其记录的机会. The school must provide the student with copies of the records, or make other arrangements, if a failure to do so would effectively prevent the student from obtaining access.

在FERPA, 符合条件的学生有权要求修改其记录中不准确或误导性的信息. 而学校不需要根据学生的要求修改教育记录, the school is required to consider the request. If the school decides not to amend the record in accordance with the student’s request, the school must inform the student of their right to a hearing on the matter. If, as a result of the hearing, the school still decides not to amend the record, the student has the right to insert a statement in the record setting forth their views. 该陈述必须保留在学生记录中有争议的部分,只要记录保存.

而FERPA修订程序可用于质疑不准确记录的事实, it may not be used to challenge a grade, an opinion or a substantive decision made by a school about a student. FERPA的目的只是要求学校遵守公平的记录保存做法.

在FERPA, 未经学生的书面同意,学校一般不得将符合条件的学生的教育记录中的个人身份信息透露给第三方. 然而,FERPA允许学院和大学将部分教育记录分类为 目录信息. (See below for the identification of 目录信息 at BSU.通常,学校可以在没有学生书面同意的情况下透露目录信息. 任何希望防止目录信息泄露的学生都可以填写申请表并将其交回注册办公室. It is important to note that with this restriction in place, BSU可能无法验证学位或注册状态,也无法公布学生收到的奖励. 该限制将一直有效,直到学生提交书面请求撤销.

另外, 有一些例外情况允许学校在未经同意的情况下从教育记录中披露个人身份信息, though they are not required to do so. Generally, exceptions to the prior written consent requirement allows disclosure:

  • To school officials with a “legitimate educational interest”. School officials typically include professors; administrators; health staff; counselors; attorneys; clerical staff; trustees; members of committees and disciplinary boards; and a contractor, 志愿者或学校外包机构服务或职能的其他方.
  • To a school in which the student seeks or intends to enroll
  • 关于经济援助,如果信息是确定资格所必需的, 援助金额, 援助条件, and/or enforce the terms and conditions of aid.
  • 根据《ladbrokes立博中文版》第152节对“受抚养学生”一词的定义.
  • 致有关各方, 包括 parents of an eligible student, in connection with a health or safety emergency.
  • To the parents of a student regarding the student’s violation of any federal, 州或地方法律, or any rule or policy of the institution, governing the use or possession of alcohol or a controlled substance, 如果学校确定学生在使用或拥有该设备时违反了纪律,并且学生在向家长披露时未满21岁.
  • When such information has been appropriately designated as 目录信息; that is, 一般不会被视为有害或侵犯隐私的信息,如果披露.
  • To authorized representatives of the Comptroller General of 美国nited States, the Attorney General of 美国nited States, 美国.S. 教育部长, 以及州和地方教育当局对联邦或州支持的教育项目进行审计或评估, 或者执行或遵守与这些项目相关的联邦法律要求.
  • 为学校或代表学校进行研究的机构,为管理预测性测试而披露资料, administering student aid programs or improving instruction.
  • To comply with a judicial order or a lawfully issued subpoena
  • 致暴力犯罪或非暴力性犯罪的被指控犯罪者的受害者关于被指控犯罪的纪律听证的最终结果
  • 如果被指控的犯罪者被发现违反了学校的规则或政策,则向任何第三方提供与暴力犯罪或非强制性犯罪有关的纪律处分程序的最终结果. The disclosure of the final results only includes: the name of the alleged perpetrator, the violation committed and any sanction imposed against the alleged perpetrator. The disclosure must not include the name of any other student, 包括 a victim or witness, without the written consent of that student.

Bridgewater State University has identified the following as 目录信息:

  • 名字
  • 家乡
  • College or school and major field of study
  • Participation in officially recognized activities and sports
  • Weight, height, and age of members of athletic teams
  • 入学日期
  • 级别(i).e. 大一、大二等.)
  • Enrollment Status (full-time, part-time)
  • Certificates, degrees and awards received, 包括 deans list and honors
希望授权学校与授权第三方对话的学生应填写FERPA授权表. 申请必须填写完整,清楚地识别被授权的个人以及大学可能发布的教育记录相关的具体信息. 重要的是要知道,填写FERPA发布表格并不要求大学或其员工披露信息. Disclosure is at the sole discretion of Bridgewater State University.